Saturday, June 20, 2009

This Damn Blog..

is all over the place.  It started out as a political blog.  I have no energy for that these days, except to say Viva La Revolucion in Iran.  Or, maybe since "the revolution" are the guys in charge, Viva La Anti-Revolucion?  I dunno, I just hope those kids get what they want.

I digress.  I can't stop watching this video.

I don't have time for original material either. I don't even have the energy to figure out why the
font changed.

After working too much...

...sometimes you just gotta go home and kick back w/a beux of wine.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Online Reviews

From an online review of Stevie Wonder's Journey Through the Secret Life of Plants:

***** "...If you were ever gonna put up some dough and stop being such a cheap bastard, this would be the time."

Someone get Wowpow a newspaper gig.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Vhut ah Cahn-try

So we have a new President, the Arizona Cardinals are in the Super Bowl(!), and I regained internet access.  What a country.